Saturday, July 28, 2007

You go girl!

Guess what? Girls can do real math.....
That's what I call a role model!

"I want to show them that being smart is cool. Being good at math is cool. And not only that, it can help them get what they want out of life." --Danica McKellar

Read more about Danica McKellar in Newsweek's article A Math Makeover By Peg Tyre

and also in the archives of MMM here.


Mr. Lucchese said...

Danika McKellar. Where did Patrick come from? And you know I love her. She is a role model, not just for girls, but for humans in general. Actor, writer, mathematician. What can't this woman do?

concernedCTparent said...

Yep, we need more role models like Danica for certain!!!